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Why you get


Massage is treating your body and maybe your energy. Massage therapists are not doctor and cannot diagnose and cure your conditions. If you are the first time to get a massage and do not know where you should go, please ask a massage therapist. When you are under any medical consition please ask your doctor in advance. Sometimes massage helps  and other times may not. When you decide the place, the type of massage and the timing, please  no rush before and after the massage and trust your therapist and let your body releast. Some people are very defficlut to relaxed their body and when you have a lots of stress it is very defficult to get a massage without thinking the stress. To find out your favorite restaurant, you need to eat there. The same thing, maybe at the first time you do not like the massage or the massage was different from what you expected. At the begining please COMUNICATE with the therapist and let your body go. 


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